(一)承担科研项目: 1. 主持 国家自然科学基金(面上项目) 非精确机理引导自数据驱动的航天机电伺服系统自适应退化预测与诊断,执行期, 2024-2027 2. 主持 机电伺服机构健康管理演示平台开发,执行期,2022-2023 3. 参与 混合现实装配过程可视化智能引导技术研究,执行期,2022-2023 4. 主持 航天科技集团开放基金. xxxxx诊断与预测方法研究,执行期2021-2023. 5. 主持 国家自然基金(青年项目),基于深度学习的精密滚珠丝杠副服役性能退化过程状态评估及预测方法研究,批准号:51805262,执行期2019-2021 6. 主持 滚柱摩擦盘性能监测与分析,执行期2020.01—2021.06 7. 主持 国家科技重大专项04专项,《特种典型零部件制造领域国产数控系统换脑工程》子课题,立项号:2017ZX04011001,执行期2017-2019 8. 参与 国家重点研发计划,基于数字孪生的生产系统全要素实体精准建模,执行期2020.11-2023.10 9. 参与 液压伺服舵机健康管理监测方法研究,执行期2021.01-2022.01 10. 参与 jkw, ***传动典型构件表面完整性调控方法研究,执行期2021.05-2025.04 (二)发表学术论文: 【一作/通讯SCI期刊论文】 1. Jian Zhou, Lianyu Zheng, Yiwei Wang*, Chen Wang, Robert X.Gao. Automated model generation for machinery fault diagnosis based on reinforcement learning and neural architecture search. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2022. (Q1, IF5.3) 2. Yiwei Wang, Lei Deng, Lianyu Zheng, Robert X. Gao. Temporal convolutional network with soft thresholding and attention mechanism for machinery prognostics. Journal of Manufacturing System.2021(60):512-526. (Q1, IF9.5) 3. Yahui Wang, Lianyu Zheng, Yiwei Wang*. Event-driven tool condition monitoring methodology considering tool life prediction based on industrial internet. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2020. 58(Part A):205-222. (Q1, IF9.5) 4. Yiwei Wang, Jian Zhou, Lianyu Zheng. An end-to-end fault diagnostics method based on convolutional neural network for rotating machinery with multiple case studies. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2020. (Q1, IF7.1) 5. Jian Zhou, Lianyu Zheng, Yiwei Wang*. A multistage deep transfer learning method for machinery fault diagnostics across diverse working conditions and devices. IEEE Access, 2020. 8:80879-80898. (Q2, IF3.4) 6. Yiwei Wang, Christian Gogu, Nam Ho Kim*, Raphael Haftka, Nicolas Binaud, Christian Bes, Noise-dependent ranking of prognostics algorithms based on discrepancy without true damage information, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, in press vol (184), April 2019, pp.86-100. (Q1, IF7.2) 7. Yiwei Wang, Christian Gogu, Nicolas Binaud*, Christian Bes, Jian Fu, A model-based prognostics method of fatigue crack growth in fuselage panels, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Vol (32), February 2019, pp. 396-408. (Q1, IF4.0) 8. Yiwei Wang, Christian Gogu, Nicolas Binaud, Chritian Bes, Raphael Haftka, Nam Ho Kim, A cost driven predictive maintenance policy for structural airframe maintenance, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 30 (2017) 1242-1257. (Q1, IF4.0) 9. Yiwei Wang, Nicolas Binaud, Christian Gogu, Christian Bes, Jian Fu, Determination of Paris' law constants and crack length evolution via Extended and Unscented Kalman filter: An application to aircraft fuselage panels, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 80 (2016) 262-281. (Q1, IF6.8) 10. Yiwei Wang, Christian Gogu*, Nicolas Binaud, Christian Bes, Raphael Haftka, Nam Ho Kim, Predictive airframe maintenance strategies using model-based prognostics, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability, vol(232), Issue(6), 2018. (Q4 IF1.9) 11. Hutian Feng, Rong Chen, Yiwei Wang*, Feature extraction for fault diagnosis based on wavelet packet decomposition: An application on linear rolling guide, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 10 (2018) 【一作/通讯EI期刊论文】 (1) 王艺玮,郭琦,刘新玉,郑联语,张向荣,王彬彬,赖小明,李云. 增强装配工艺信息模型驱动的空间展开机构混合现实辅助装配. 机械工程学报. 2023.网络首发. (2) 孙环宇,杨志鹏,王艺玮*,郭琦. 基于自适应参数优化RSSD-CYCBD的行星齿轮箱多故障耦合信号分离及诊断. 北京航空航天大学学报 2022. (3) 周健, 郑联语, 王艺玮*. 面向旋转机械迁移诊断的分层并行网络模型自动创建方法. 机械工程学报 2022. (4) 王艺玮,邓蕾,郑联语,王亚辉. 基于多通道融合及贝叶斯理论的刀具剩余寿命预测方法. 机械工程学报. 2021 (5) 张宏博,郑联语,王艺玮*. 基于模块服役状态的盒式连接可重构型架稳定性评估方法. 航空学报 2020. (6) Yiwei Wang, Jian Zhou, Lianyu Zheng. A convolutional neural networks with strong generalizability for fault diagnostics of rotating machinery. The 49th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2019. 获会议最佳论文奖 (7) Yiwei Wang, Christian Gogu, Nicolas Binaud, Christian Bes, Predicting remaining useful life by fusing SHM data based on Extended Kalman Filter, 25th European safety and reliability conference, Taylor & Francis, 2015, pp. 7-10. 【其他论文】 (1) Zewu An, Yiwei Wang, Lianyu Zheng, Xinyu Liu. Adaptive recognition of intelligent inspection system for cable brackets in multiple assembly scenes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing. 2020. 108:3373-3389. (2) Shufei Li, Lianyu Zheng, Yiwei Wang. Mating portions inspection based on deep learning and multipoint sequencing for assembly aviation wires with connectors. The 49th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. (3) Shufei Li, Lianyu Zheng, Yiwei Wang. Reading Aviation Wire Text in Natural Images under Assembly Workshop via Deeplearning[C]. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering: Conf. Series 563 (2019) 042075 (4) Lea Dominique Cot, Yiwei Wang, Christian Bes, Christian Gogu, Scheduled and SHM Structure Airframe Maintenance Applications Using a New Probabilistic Model,7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France. (三) 软著&专利: 软件著作权: 1. 《旋转机械装备边云结合运维数字孪生系统》 2021 2. 《旋转机械智能运维系统》 2020 3. 《伺服机构状态监测与健康管理系统》 2023 4. 《旋转机械便携式边缘端状态监测与故障诊断系统》 2023 授权专利: 1. 基于强化学习的旋转机械诊断网络自动搜索方法. ZL202110234810.3 2. 基于对抗训练和迁移学习的旋转机械剩余寿命预测混合收缩方法. ZL202110234849.5 |